Are you getting enough Magnesium?

Are you getting enough Magnesium?

New research into magnesium caught my eye recently: supplements helped half the women in a trial to reduce hot flashes. It’s the latest in a long list of ways that magnesium supplements can help women feel better. Quick facts: magnesium is the eighth most...
Run happy, run Jeff

Run happy, run Jeff

“I’m almost finished the couch to 5k but I really miss the walk breaks you get in the early weeks. There’s less to look forward to.” This is a photo of me after my Wednesday morning run. I started running in the late nineties, because it was...
Exercise Essentials for Menopause

Exercise Essentials for Menopause

If you’re a woman over 45, or if you’re experiencing perimenopause symptoms, I recommend making sure that your weekly exercise programme has certain key components. You don’t have a weekly exercise programme? Now is a brilliant time to start one! This programme...
Elspeth Alexandra - Women's Health Coach in Edinburgh

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