Doming, coning, and pregnant tummies

Doming, coning, and pregnant tummies

The changes in your pregnant body are mind boggling. But then, so is growing an entirely new human being. For instance, the delightful pro-gestation hormone, progesterone, has a lot to answer for. Its effects include loosening all of your smooth muscle to accommodate...
My 2024 Manifesto

My 2024 Manifesto

As 2023 turns in to 2024, I’m not making resolutions: I’m laying plans.   While you won’t always find me on the front line of the culture wars, there are certainly battles I will be part of in 2024. I will affirm women who believe there are many things more...
Run happy, run Jeff

Run happy, run Jeff

“I’m almost finished the couch to 5k but I really miss the walk breaks you get in the early weeks. There’s less to look forward to.” This is a photo of me after my Wednesday morning run. I started running in the late nineties, because it was...
Elspeth Alexandra - Women's Health Coach in Edinburgh

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