MSK Menopause

MSK Menopause

If I could change one thing about 2024, it would be the number of injuries I had. I bounced from one annoying restriction to another; several varieties of hip pain, shoulder pain, a weird neck thing, forearm tendonitis, my old faithful achillies tendonitis, and...
Consistency matters

Consistency matters

From the tortoise beating the hare to the ten thousand hours, consistency is a virtue. There are no short cuts to getting fit, and nor should there be. There is no shortcut to anything worth doing, is there? The journey is always as important as the destination. Many...
Are you getting enough Magnesium?

Are you getting enough Magnesium?

New research into magnesium caught my eye recently: supplements helped half the women in a trial to reduce hot flashes. It’s the latest in a long list of ways that magnesium supplements can help women feel better. Quick facts: magnesium is the eighth most...
Doming, coning, and pregnant tummies

Doming, coning, and pregnant tummies

The changes in your pregnant body are mind boggling. But then, so is growing an entirely new human being. For instance, the delightful pro-gestation hormone, progesterone, has a lot to answer for. Its effects include loosening all of your smooth muscle to accommodate...
Elspeth Alexandra - Women's Health Coach in Edinburgh

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