Whole Woman
Extra Services and Classes to support your journey.
Add on any of the following services and classes to your existing package
Because we all need a little extra TLC at times.

Body Peace, Body Love
An annual online course to tackle body shame and help you fall in love with who you are.

HCR® ZenWoman
If you’d like to start meditating, or practicing gratitude, ZenWoman can support your search for solutions.
Menopause for Feminists
Are you ready to empower yourself and turn a transition into a transformation?
HCR® Rel-Ease
Join us in person or via Zoom for fortnightly sessions that will leave you feeling wonderfully relaxed and released.
Avocado AM
Join my online strength and cardio Avocado community – this is online circuit training at its funnest!
NOT SURE what you need right now?
Book a Clarity Call

“I had a great few sessions with Elspeth who was supporting me to build more strength training into my somewhat middle aged, menopausal exercise regime.
I loved my sessions. Elspeth was hugely knowledgeable, encouraging and fun to be with. I feel kick started into another aspect of fitness, particularly important as I age. I would highly recommend her and her approach.
Thank you.”
Jill McClure

“Elspeth is a miracle worker!! I have taken many of her classes starting with Pregnancy Power Up when I was pregnant, which really helped me feel strong and helped me tremendously when I was in labor. After giving birth I moved on to her Mighty Mums class which was perfect for a post-natal body. She helped me start to feel like myself again with workouts that were designed to help you feel your best. I am now taking her Avocado AM classes which are amazing and help me stay fit in a short amount of time. During COVID, Elspeth was fantastic at adapting her in-person classes to online and has created a truly seamless experience. I recommend her to anyone who is looking for a caring, upbeat, and lovely instructor to help them on any journey they are on!“
Kristi Maynard