Menopause for Feminists

Menopause for Feminists

For a long time, the default tone for menopause chat has been MISERABLE. Focused on debilitating symptoms, being ‘past it’, having just another lousy time to ‘put up with’.

That is NOT what I want for my life and I bet you don’t either!

  • While the years leading up to the end of menstruation can bring challenging symptoms, there is a LOT we can do to THRIVE in perimenopause and beyond.
  • We can expect to live for a further THIRTY YEARS after menopause, so there’s everything to play for – quality of life is crucial!
  • Our actions and words can make this transition easier – for us, for our contemporaries, and for the women who come after us.


Many of the menopause myths of misery result from medical misogyny. The lack of robust research on this phase is another example of the gender data gap. The lack of confident chat about the change illstrates the shame women are encouraged to feel about our bodies.

Are you ready to empower yourself and turn a transition into a transformation?


What is Menopause for Feminists all about?

This is a six-week course. We will examine:

  • Why modern life and patriarchy make the menopause so much more difficult that it needs to be
  • Reframing this transition as a transformation as you step forward into your new power
  • Building a rock-solid understanding of your menstrual hormones and how they change in perimenopause
  • Understanding HRT: evidence for risk and benefits
  • The challenges to bone, brain, muscle and heart health
  • Nutrition, movement and lifestyle for better perimenopausal years.


I teach this course once a year. To join the pre-sales list and receive all the details before places go on sale, get in touch with me below.

Menopause for Feminists is available as a one-to-one course, face-to-face or on Zoom, with sessions arranged at a convenient time. The cost is £300. To discuss options, please get in touch.

Elspeth Alexandra - Women's Health Coach in Edinburgh

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